Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Lobbying for a cellphone

Meet my 13 year old daughter, who so badly wants a cellphone. Not a day goes by without a remark about how much she NEEDS a cellphone, how EVERYBODY has one. In the meantime her dad stands firm and says "NO!!". And I quietly say: "For now"


LauraLiz said...

I love her "attitude." This photo seems to capture her personality (or seems to help me imagine what her personality would be!)

Dancingirl said...

Lol.. boy can I picture that conversation! My 13yo hasn't asked for one yet, but the day will come...

Great expression on her face!

my15minutes said...

Oh what a universal experience. I love that you captured it here forever. We finally gave in, and are about to cancel our home phone line.

SUSAN said...

Our eldest girls didn't get a cell phone till they were in college. Maybe that will make your daughter feel better. :-)


Sandie said...

I love the picture, her personality and opinion on this issue are very clear :) Mine all had to do pre-pay on their own for 2-3 years before I would add them to our plan and let them pay only the balance(15-20 dollars) each month.

Colleen said...

Love the way you captured her attitude, Natalia. It wouldn't get her what she wanted here, but it's cute to look at nonetheless. ;-)

Dalissa 365 said...

I love this shot... her expression, the brochure, etc. Kudos to Dad for standing firm for the time being.

Unknown said...

LOL! I love that you are showing the daily demands of mothering in your blog.