Saturday, March 17, 2007

Dads at the Park

I took my 4 year old to the park today. While he played in the playground, I just sat and observed my surroundings. It was a gorgeous day! But what really caught my attention was the
amount of dads playing with their kids. It was interesting to observe how much more involved in their children's play they seemed to be that the mothers. The mothers were either talking on their cellphones, or talking to other women, or observing ;-)


SUSAN said...

Love the way you captured the Dads having fun with the kiddos!


Dancingirl said...

Maybe the dads are there to interact and spend time with their children and the moms are there to get a break? I enjoyed the pictures and your thoughts.

Dalissa 365 said...

Hey, that's what Dads are for, isn't it? ;)