Friday, March 9, 2007

I Love to See them Play

This afternoon all my kids ended up in my bedroom. They trickled in one by one. First G. who wanted to talk to me about what has been most in her mind (and mine): her school choices for next year. Then came N.,who just snuggled up with me and listened. Last came A.,who asked: Am I missing anything? Before I knew it we were playing some kind of hand slapping game and I just had to go get the camera. They don't always play together well. When they do is worth a picture!


Sandie said...

I love how you are capturing your dd in such a transistional year. One minute she looks like a mature young woman and the very next she is the spirited young girl. You will be so glad you caught this year.

Dancingirl said...

Yes,that is worth a photo for remembrance! I know when time like that happen around here, I think, this is a moment to catch and hold. Sweet picture.

Dalissa 365 said...

When all the kids get along it is a good thing, well worth capturing.

So, what do you think you'll do for school next year?

Paula said...

Spontaneous fun moments are the best and you caught this one forever.