Thursday, February 15, 2007

Reluctant Self Portrait

I am just camera shy :-)


Katrina said...

LOL! Good one! You are funny. :)

Dancingirl said...

I love this! I can see the grin and I know just how you feel!

margaretm said...

That is a really great shot of your smile.

Colleen said...

Having you met you now, I can really sense your personality coming through here. Fun!

Btw, I am in complete sympathy regarding your ongoing struggle with blurry pictures. I'm still stuck in the mode, when taking indoor pictures, wherein most of my close-ups are less-than-satisfying due to lighting challenges ~ low light that ultimately creates grainy pics.

LauraLiz said...

This is a great photo, and it looks so nice in b&w. Your smile is gorgeous, and it's such a fun shot!

Unknown said...

Now this is adorable! Great idea, cool angle, good shot.

Carol Ann Weaver said...

That is so funny that you and Nikki both have almost identical photos on the same day! Great minds think alike or you are both just TOO SHY to show your faces!

Sandie said...

Cute picture, great smile! I am pretty camera shy too.

my15minutes said...

Really cute self portrait.

SUSAN said...

OH, perfect!! Your smile makes me smile.
