Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Time to Play

Nicolas and I had a relaxed day today. Gabi and Alex went on a canoe trip for the day. After a morning of playing at the park, Nicolas found some time to create.

While Nico was busy I went outside to take some pictures. I found some of this wild strawberries (that is what I call them- I don't really know what they are) growing in our backyard. I love the splash of color they add to our lawn.

It is in shots like this that I am more aware of my limitations as a photographer. I have always wanted to take pictures of the squirrels. I find such a funny animal. They seem playful and they always seem to be a hurry. Anyhow this one was seating on this branch eating. I wanted to capture the moment but it didn't turn out very good. I think it is a combination of an inexperienced photographer and a very limited camera.

1 comment:

Sandie said...

The little red plant is a wild strawberry. The birds love them. We used to eat them as kids, but I seriously don't recommend it :)

I can't seem to catch wildlife very well either! I keep trying though.